The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

(Being the bang-up may not be all that's absurd up to be)

Whether you are starting your own business with or without
employees or maybe you accept aloof been answer to management,
this commodity applies to you.

Make A Shoe

Do you anticipate it's that accessible to be the boss?

Working as an agent gives you a actual one sided appearance into the business world. All your problems and solutions are from an employees' perspective. No amount how abundant they are affirmation you out, at the end of the day, you alarm out and go home alone to do it all over afresh the abutting day.

As an employee, I spent as abundant time with the added employee's accusatory about administration and their problems and aloofness to our needs.

"Why deceit we get added ailing time?"

"So what if I was a few account late?"

"Who cares if I booty a few appointment food home, they can afford

"When am I accepting a raise? administration doesn't accept that I
have bills to pay"


In amid that all of administration has no privacy. Every aspect of their activity is actuality accounted about because they are our administration and too bad if they can't booty the heat.

One day you get that alarm cogent you that you accept been confused up into management. Or alike better, you assuredly get your business authorization and you are accessible to go. Hooray.


Life is absolutely altered now. You can no best alarm in and alarm out. You accept assignment to do. You accept to fix all the errors,
all the spiral ups. You anticipation it was bad aback your bang-up chewed you out, delay until you are a manager. You absolutely get chewed out from the owners. You accept to micro administer everyone, you accept to accept to all their problems and you are accepted to break them.


"Can you accommodate me a few bucks, my lights got cut off"

"Is it accept if I booty off Friday early, my tax analysis came in"

"Well I'm apologetic if I didn't accomplishment the file, I ample you ability accomplishment it up for me"

"Yes I apperceive about the dress cipher but this accouterments looked so cute, can you angle the rules this one time?"

When there is a botheration amid advisers it is up to you to arbitrate and boldness the situation. You pay their taxes, their insurance, you accord to their 401K. etc.

Remember aback you acclimated to beam with your co workers talking about your bang-up and accusatory whenever they did commodity that you didn't like.

Well, The Shoe Is On The added Foot Now

The Voodoo Doll Now Has Your Name On It...

Now delay a minute, afore you alpha adage that advisers are not like this, and managers are not like that, aloof accumulate reading

The accomplished point of this commodity is to let you apperceive that you can't apprehend that because you are a administrator or business buyer that it gets easier, it gets harder. You acclimated to delay for a paycheck on Fridays', now if you don't complete the payroll, no one is
getting paid Friday. If you charge added appointment food who is activity to adjustment them? Duh You

In adjustment to advance your business, your job, yourself, accept what every persons' role is in a business and acknowledge their
job and in about-face they will acknowledge yours.

If you are a one being business like I am again aloof attending in the mirror and accuse to the bang-up about your hours!!

Please note, I am not talking about the administration that are not aces to be alleged manager. The ones who can't accept why you charge to booty a day off for a actual ailing child. The ones who apprehend you to appear aback aboriginal from maternology leave. The ones who anticipate your alone purpose in activity is to do their bidding.

No I am not talking about those.

The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

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